Learn More about Primary Household Contact & Household Greeting

In many cases when sending large mailings, you will not want everybody in your list to receive a mailing. You may have multiple family members living in the same household. The Primary Household Contact will allow you to designate one member of each household to receive the mailing for the group. Each head of household is recognized with the graphic of a house next to his/her name. Additionally, you can enter a household greeting to include everyone in the household (i.e. The Kauffman Family or Mr. and Mrs. Kauffman and Family). In order to use this name, simply select the box next to Primary Household Contact upon entering the contact to your address book. Then when shopping for an item, in the 'Recipients & Return Address' options of purchasing/personalizing an item, select the option: Use Household Greeting and we will print the household greeting information instead of the contact's name information. If there is not data in the Household Greeting field, we will use the contact's Title, First and Last Name and Suffix fields instead.